Run for Elective Office


If you are interested in pursuing elective office, TODAY, is the time to start planning.  Running for office requires building support, learning the issues, building a team and raising money.  To be considered for endorsement by SVGOP, requires you present a good case for endorsement…so get started TODAY!


Local offices including school boards, city councils and special districts are non-partisan which means that you do not run with any party affiliation by your name.

School Boards.

Many elected officials get their start on neighborhood school boards.  In November 2026, over 100 school board seats will be up for election in Santa Clara County.  If you are interested, begin TODAY by attending school board meetings in your district.  School boards typically have 5 or 7 TRUSTEES (school board members) who serve for a 4 year term with half of the board up for election every two years.  The majority of school districts elect Trustees by “AREA”. 

City and Town Council Seats.

If you are interested in finding out more about running for your city or town council, visit their website.    Find out which seats are up for election in the next election.  Except for San Jose, council members are elected in the November Election.  For the City of San Jose, candidates run in the PRIMARY election and if no candidate gets 51% it goes to the GENERAL ELECTION.

Special Districts.

There are 15 Special Districts in Santa Clara County that have seats up for election.  You can check out the list on this link:



The next primary election is June 2, 2026.  See Secretary of State’s Website for details

·       State Assembly—Every 2 years the 80 State Assembly Seats are up for election.  All or part of these Assembly Seats are elected by voters in Santa Clara County:  AD 23, AD 24, AD 25, AD 26, AD 28, AD 29. 

·       State Senate –Every 4 years the 40 State Senate Seats are up for election.  In 2026, the EVEN NUMBERED State Senate Seats are up for election which includes SD 10 in Santa Clara County.

·       Congressional Seats—Every 2 years seats in the US Congress are up for election.  All or part of these Congressional Seats are elected by voters in Santa Clara County:  CD16, CD 17, CD18, CD19,

If you are interested in running for office, send an email to:

Provide your name, and the office you are interested in pursuing.