Santa Clara County Candidates Forum- April 13th

Candidate Forum Co-Hosts:Silicon Valley Association of Republican WomenThe Lincoln Club of Northern CaliforniaSilicon Valley Republican Women FederatedHear from Candidates!!Ask Your Questions!!Have you ever opened your voter information and wondered what the real issues were and where the candidates stood on the issues?Tired of getting your information from slick campaign mailers, media sound bites or smear tactics by the opposition?Please join us for a candidate forum where each candidate has 3- 5 minutes to summarize who they are and where they stand on the issues.  As a member of the audience you have an opportunity to write down and submit your questions to be answered by the candidates.  All candidates who will be on the local June Primary ballot are invited to participate in this candidate forum including those running for:

  • Non-partisan offices:  San Jose City Council
  • State offices:  California Assembly and California Senate
  • Federal office:  U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress

All candidates who wish to participate must confirm their attendance by April 8th Anthony Lucido at SVGOP (email:  April 13, 2016Time:  6:00-6:30 social hour.  Mingle with the candidates.6:30 PM – Candidate forum begins and will conclude by 8:45 PMLocation:  Santa Clara County Administration Building, Isaac N. Senter Auditorium, 70 West Hedding, San Jose 95110No cost but must RSVP by Friday April 8th WHEN: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 8:45 PM (PDT) - Add to CalendarWHERE70 W Hedding St - 70 West Hedding Street, San Jose, CA 95110 - View MapCLICK HERE TO RSVP!

Santa Clara County GOP

We are an ethnically and economically diverse group of citizens dedicated to preserving the quality of life for everyone in Santa Clara County. We believe in a better California by advancing principles of liberty and freedom.


SVGOP Campaign College - Saturday July 30th