Featured Republican Club: Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women

This is the first in a series of articles about the various Republican Clubs of Santa Clara County.2017 marks the 10th anniversary of the Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women!SVARW is an independent, conservative organization committed to supporting and defending the principles of our Founding Fathers as written in the Constitution of the United States of America.  Our mission it is to elect qualified conservatives to Santa Clara County non-partisan offices, and to educate and motivate our members to support Conservative principles.With over 250 members, SVARW is one of the largest conservative organizations in Silicon Valley.  We welcome both women and men as members.  Our recent activities included:

  • Ten monthly meetings with interesting speakers.  Our regular meetings take place at Three Flames Restaurant on Meridian Ave. in San Jose.  Some of our past speakers included Terrie Turchie the former Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI, Marc Klaas who continues his crusade to protect children after his daughter Polly was killed 20 years ago and Nick Adams, often guest on Fox whose book “Green Card Warrior” was promoted by Trump on a tweet.  See our website for more details on past speakers www.SVARW.com
  • March 14, 2017 trip to Sacramento for Lobby Day in an effort to defeat SB18 which would take away parental rights.
  • Gathering at the December 2016 meeting of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors to speak against their anti-Trump resolution.
  • Hosting fundraiser and campaign activities to support Steve Brown’s run for San Jose City Council.
  • Co-hosting candidate forums with the Santa Clara County Republican Party.

Coming up on August 26, 2017, SVARW is hosting our annual Stars and Stripes Gala at a beautiful estate in Saratoga.  This is a great event where like-minded conservatives can meet and mingle without worrying about being political correct!  The evening opens with appetizers and champagne and is then followed by dinner with wine, dessert and music.  Candidates running in next year’s elections find this event a great way to meet potential supporters.  You don’t need to be a member to attend but if you join SVARW today you pay the member price for tickets PLUS your membership is good until December 31, 2018.  Get more details here

Santa Clara County GOP

We are an ethnically and economically diverse group of citizens dedicated to preserving the quality of life for everyone in Santa Clara County. We believe in a better California by advancing principles of liberty and freedom.


SVGOP in the News - Team Trump: West Valley supporters stay true to the president


2017 SVGOP Lincoln Dinner - Thank You!