CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson's Statement on Newsom's State of the State

On March 9th, CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson released the following statement on Governor Gavin Newsom's State of the State:

“Last week, Gavin Newsom told Californians that his word for 2021 was ‘humility.’ How about ‘honesty’ or ‘transparency’ instead? Gavin’s State of the State address was nothing more than a desperate campaign commercial, paid for by taxpayers, that attempts to explain away a level of incompetence no other governor in California history has reached. We give it four Pinocchio’s, similar to his apology for getting caught having dinner indoors and unmasked with his buddies at the French Laundry. 

Staging his show at Dodger Stadium is a cheap stunt to cover up for his incompetence as a leader. California’s vaccine distribution has been a dismal failure among the worst in the nation. It is an example of what not to do. But that does not prevent a politician like Gavin from serving up the rhetoric and hoping nobody checks his facts.

It is the same song and dance Gavin is playing with school reopening. His lack of leadership has cost California’s students a year of priceless classroom instruction, all because he does not have the spine to stand up to the teacher’s unions. Of course not, Gavin is counting on them to spend millions to oppose the recall, so why would anyone expect he’ll put students first? It’s a shameless abdication of responsibility that no parent should ever forget.

Gavin is a one-trick-pony: arrogant, entitled and above all else, a liberal elitist who doesn’t trust the people of California enough to provide them with information or give them the freedom to send their kids to school, work or live their lives. His mismanagement has cost people their jobs and students their class time. And when people lost their jobs, their unemployment benefits went to Death Row murderers in a fraud scheme that totals over $30 billion and would put any private sector leader out of work and possibly in jail.

Gavin will try to claim that California is a leader, but the problem is we are leading in all the wrong categories. California is the only remaining state that is still effectively locked down. Restaurants, fitness facilities, schools, amusement parks, museums…you name it, Gavin has kept it closed, hurting all Californians in the process. Forty-nine other states , red and blue, have figured out how to reopen safely, but Gavin thinks he knows better.  We will hold him accountable.

If ever a governor deserved to be recalled, it is Gavin Newsom, and nearly 2 million voters, including Democrats, Republicans and No Party Preference, have signed petitions to make it a reality. No Gavin, these are not a few naysayers with outdated prejudices. They are hard-working Californians who are fighting to take our state back. Make no mistake, Gavin Newsom is the worst governor in our state’s history, and Republicans will be leading the wave to force this ultra-elitist into early retirement.

Gavin’s speech tonight was a giant insult to the people of California and will only reinforce why he no longer deserves to remain in office.”

Santa Clara County GOP

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