Keep our elections Free and Fair!

By Wendy Brukwinski, SVGOP Central Committee Member


If enacted, HR-1, the inaptly named “For the People Act”, would eliminate most forms of ensuring the integrity of our elections and interfere with the First Amendment rights of people and groups. HR-1 would impose on every state the sort of loose, fraud-enabling elections system that California has adopted. Here are just a few of the provisions that would be imposed nationwide:

  • It effectively bans voter ID and would prohibit verification of citizenship, replacing it with an “honor” system. 
  • It prevents registrars of voters from keeping their voter rolls up-to-date, allowing them to send out millions of ballots based upon bloated, unkempt voter rolls.
  • It allows unrestricted ballot harvesting - a practice the nonpartisan 2005 Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James A. Baker highlighted for its “potential for vote fraud.” 
  • It provides for loose and sloppy signature verification.
  • It allows IRS bureaucrats to decide who qualifies or doesn’t qualify for non-profit status based upon their opinion of a group’s political and policy views.
  • It interferes with a court’s ability to review election outcomes. 
  • It contains the first steps toward turning the tiny District of Columbia into a full-fledged state.

Read more about this destructive bill at the Heritage Foundation.

This bill was already approved by the House of Representatives on a 220-210 party-line vote, with one Democrat voting with ALL Republicans in opposition. 

We must stop this bill from being approved by the U.S. Senate.

Please contact California’s two U.S. Senators, plus key swing Senators, Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, and request that they oppose HR-1. 

Copy/Paste this message, or draft one of your own, then call, mail, and/or message it to the Senators listed below: 

Dear Senator _____________:

H.R. 1 will make permanent all of the unethical and unconstitutional practices that made many people question the outcome of the 2020 elections. Voters need to be able to trust in the integrity of our votes and know that their vote won’t be canceled out by an ineligible or fraudulent vote. We cannot have one political party dictating America’s election processes from Washington, DC and impairing our rights of free speech and freedom of association so that the Democrats can steer elections to their advantage in a bare knuckled effort to maintain power.

We ask you to reject this bill because:

  • It forces taxpayers to finance political campaigns; 
  • Allows politicians to take a second salary from their campaigns; 
  • Eliminates the ability of states to control their own elections by forcing states to enact same-day voter registration, automatic voter registration, online voter registration, and allow voters to cast ballots outside of their precinct, keep ineligible voters on voter rolls in perpetuity, register voters without verifying eligibility, and allow people to vote without showing any identification; 
  • Undermines our 1st Amendment rights by increasing government censorship over political  campaigns, activity, and speech by using the vague standard of whether speech impacts  an election; and 
  • Would force political nonprofits to publicly disclose donors making it easier to dox people,  threaten their families, and get them fired from their jobs for supporting the causes or candidates of their choice. 

This is a dangerous bill for ALL Americans and we are relying on you to be courageous and stand up against this partisan overreach by your fellow Democrats. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter from a concerned and engaged citizen/voter!




The Honorable Dianne Feinstein

331 Hart Senate Office Building 

Washington DC 20510 

(202) 224-3841

The Honorable Alex Padilla 

112 Hart Senate Office Building 

Washington DC 20510 

(202) 224-3553

The Honorable Kyrsten Sinema 

317 Hart Senate Office Building 

Washington, DC 20510 

Phone: (202) 224-4521

The Honorable Joe Manchin 

306 Hart Senate Office Building 

Washington D.C. 20510 

Phone: 202-224-3954 

Fax: 202-228-0002

[Note: This call to action was inspired by 75M & Rising. Please consider joining their email list for updates  and similar calls to action at .]

Santa Clara County GOP

We are an ethnically and economically diverse group of citizens dedicated to preserving the quality of life for everyone in Santa Clara County. We believe in a better California by advancing principles of liberty and freedom.


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