California Crime Continues Under Governor Newsom

A message from the CAGOP About Newsom's State of Crime


Homicides rise 31%

In Gavin Newsom’s California, crime is surging, and people are on edge. Polls show crime is a top issue of concern for Californians, and they disapprove of Newsom’s handling of it. Homicides rose 31% last year, while major retailers like Walgreens and Target are closing early due to ongoing theft.

Paroled Criminal rapes and murders woman and her dogs then burns down the house

A horrifying crime took place in Sacramento last week when a parolee with a long, violent criminal record broke into a woman’s home, sexually assaulted her, murdered her, murdered her dogs, and set her home on fire. It was an unthinkable, devastating and gruesome act.

In Los Angeles, diners at a sidewalk café on Melrose Avenue were robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight as “local residents and business owners say they have grown increasingly concerned about a rise in brazen crime in the popular shopping district.”

Gavin Newsom’s approach to California crime? Release tens of thousands of inmates from prison early, including violent criminals. This includes recently allowing the parole of a Clovis murderer, David Weidert, who beat, stabbed, and buried alive a developmentally disabled man:


CAGOP Video: Newsom Paroles Murderers

Newsom Paroled Criminal who raped a woman, murdered her and her dogs, and burned the house down.

When asked in Fresno this week about the controversial release that made headlines statewide just one month ago, Newsom “did not immediately recognize the case.” He then roped in others who could share the blame in the man’s release, including “a large team of people, not just the parole board” who were part of the review. And ultimately, he defended his decision, but only as “a broad statement.”

It begs the question, what changed for Newsom to allow Weidert’s parole weeks ago after denying it just last year, as Governor Jerry Brown had also done twice before him? Last year, he stated, “I am also troubled that even 40 years after Mr. Weidert committed this offense, he continues to show an underdeveloped sense of remorse for the suffering he caused…I find the evidence shows that he currently poses an unreasonable danger to society if released from prison at this time.” So what changed now, or did he just not “recognize the case?”

BOTTOM LINE: Gavin Newsom has made California a more dangerous place to live, raise a family and own a business. Crime is omnipresent, and Californians understandably feel unsafe. Newsom has failed our state, and next Tuesday, voters will rebuke his soft-on-crime record when they recall him from office.

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