Lively Summer Picnic Kicks Off 2022 Election Preparations
Santa Clara County Republican Party (SVGOP) and South Peninsula Area Republican Coalition (SPARC) joined together to host this year’s Republican Membership Picnic and we were pleased to see over 120 people comfortably seated at the shaded tables at Linda Vista Park. Executive Committees for each group organized a tasty summer barbecue, live music, and festivities celebrating our volunteer achievements.
This year’s theme on Accountability was perfectly vocalized by our featured speaker Lanhee Chen, one of America’s leading policy commentators and experts, teaching at Stanford University and researching at the Hoover Institution. Lanhee has helped leaders in California and around the country develop policies to address some of our society’s most pressing problems—like improving our health care system, saving Social Security, and growing our economy. His writings have appeared in America’s biggest newspapers and he has frequently shared his ideas and policy recommendations on television news programs across America and around the world. We are pleased to hear Lanhee announce his candidacy running as a Republican Candidate for California State Controller.
The Controller is California’s independent fiscal watchdog, the person who is tasked to make sure that our money is spent as we’re told it would be. For too long, the California Controller has been a Sacramento insider, valuing partisanship over competence, unable to properly account for full transparency in some of our extensive spending programs. In fact, our current Controller can’t tell us where she sent over $300B in payments in 2018 alone. More recently, Californians uncovered as much as $30B of fraud in our state unemployment insurance system due to emergency payouts. Conservative thinkers and doers like Lanhee Chen are rising up to the challenge, by declaring their willingness to fight for Accountability in California.
If you would like to run for office, please let us know. Together we can build momentum to Take Back California in 2022.
Join us! Get on our mailing list to gain announcements on upcoming speakers this fall - Mike Pompeo? Herschel Walker? You won’t want to miss our exciting programs!
Watch Lanhee’s Together “We Can Change California” campaign video here.